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Ryan & Melissa Workman

Hello, we are Ryan and Melissa Workman. We are from Tennessee, so get ready to hear “Hey Y’all” when you see us on campus.

We’ve been married since 1996 and have two adult children, Kendall and Reid, and a daughter-in-love, Hannah.  We enjoy college sports, NASCAR, antique shopping, and vacations that include palm trees.  Over the years, we have served in ministry together in all age groups – from kids to adults.  

Our love for missions started in different ways. We have both served on many team trips, but our journey to serve as a couple started in March of 2022. The Lord placed a call on Ryan’s heart to serve in a larger capacity, and this led to both of us putting our “yes” on the table to serving with Mission of Hope.  That act of obedience put the Lord’s plan in motion in big ways. We’d love to tell you about God’s faithfulness throughout our story anytime – just ask us!

As field staff, Ryan will be serving as Campus Readiness Director and Melissa, or “Mo” as many call her, will be serving as HopeGo Experience Coordinator. We will be located in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic.  The experiences that we’ve shared while serving on mission trips has impacted our lives in countless ways and we are so thankful and humbled that we’ve been called to join the HopeGo team to assist others with life transformation for God’s glory. We are very excited to witness the great things that the Lord is doing through His church and His people. 

We would love for you to partner with us as God leads you to do so.