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Cholera, Compassion Ministry, and Going Above and Beyond to Serve

sunset in village

Cholera cases have recently been on the rise in Haiti, and with the gang violence escalating, people have been fearful to leave their homes to find medical care. Rosemitha and Anita* are from a rural village, far from a medical care facility, but they were feeling worse and worse each day. A Mission of Hope village champion, Timothy* was doing routine compassion ministry when he found Rosemitha and Anita, and his heart was stirred to help them. He knew their outcome looked bleak if they did not get the care they needed. He took them to a CDC clinic, quite the trek from their rural village, and the women received treatment.

One week after receiving treatment, Rosemitha and Anita were healed. On the way back to their village, the women asked Timothy to pray with them to accept Christ, because they knew God stepped into their stories to give them life. They looked at the village champion and said, “Without God using you, we would have died.” Now, they are worshipping God and are new believers, filled with unshakeable and eternal hope in the midst of the uncertainty their country is facing.

It’s evident that even in the midst of the trials, God is still transforming lives and the hope of the Gospel is brighter than any darkness that tries to shadow. When you partner with Mission of Hope, your support and prayers equip leaders like Timothy to be the hands and feet of Christ to the hurting and broken.

*Names changed for privacy for security reasons.