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Meal Train for Hope
$15,000 Project Goal
$15,000 Amount Raised
$0 Still Needed
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Meal Train for Hope

Southgate Community Center
3145 Southgate Circle 
Sarasota, FL 34239

Session times: 10:30-12:00 & 1-2:30pm
Volunteers Needed: 100 per session


Did you know that Haiti has one of the highest levels of food insecurity in the world? There are about 8 million people living in Haiti and half of them need immediate food assistance!  Over 1 million people are in a situation classified as an emergency!

But together we can help! Just $0.35 gives someone a meal and I believe that most of us in the United States can spare at least $0.35.

If you can give financially, our goal is $15,000 to provide over 50,000 meals in Haiti. If you can give your time, we’ll be packing these meals on November 12th, 2023.  


What is a Meal Packing Event?
A Mission of Hope Meal Packing Event is an opportunity for our community to gather together to pack meals for kids in Haiti. Mission of Hope currently feeds over 100,000 kids a day in Haiti through a network of schools and orphanages, but they have over 70,000 more kids on a waiting list. By packing meals, we’re helping take kids off the waiting list and move them from hunger to hope!

What to Expect?
Volunteers will be divided into groups of 8-12 at tables which function as our packing stations. Your role could be filling ingredients in a bag, weighing the bag, sealing the bag, or boxing up the meals for transport to Haiti. You will be asked to wear a hairnet and some roles will wear gloves. Our Meal Packing event will be high energy and a lot of fun! We hope you’ll consider joining us.

Why are you asking for donations for the meal packing event?
The meals cost $.35/each which covers the food, transportation of the supplies to the event, and the transportation to Haiti. There’s no cost to attend this meal packing event,100% of all of the donations will go to purchasing the meals and the shipment of them.